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Building a Home Gym vs Gym Membership: Which is Better?

So, you’re thinking about getting fit but unsure whether to build a home gym or join a regular one. Both options have pros and cons, depending on your lifestyle and what you hope to achieve. In this blog post, we’ll look at the pros and cons of building a home gym vs gym membership so that you can make an informed decision. Let’s get started!
The Pros of Building a Home Gym
A home gym saves you time
No doubt having a home gym has its advantages. One of the most significant benefits is time savings. You don’t have to drive to the gym, find a parking space, check-in at the front counter, change into your gym clothes, shower later, and return home or go to work (depending on what time of day you work out). You can simply walk in and start working out at a home gym. No wasted time or effort getting there. Home gyms are also more convenient if you have kids or pets because you don’t have to worry about finding a babysitter or someone to watch them while you’re gone. Just pop them in a playpen or crate while you get your workout in. Depending on your commuting distance to your nearest gym, it is quite feasible to complete an entire workout in the time it takes to get to and from a gym.
You save money with a home gym
A home gym can be a great way to save money.
Gym membership fees can add up, especially if you attend a premium gym. While there are a few budget gyms with memberships as low as $5 per week, some will set you back as much as $9-10 per week ($450-500 per year).
Traveling to and from the gym in your car can add up, especially if you live some distance away. For example, let’s assume that you live within 2-3 miles of your nearest gym and visit five times per week. That’s 4-6 miles per session and between 20-30 miles per week. In a modern sedan, that would equate to around $5 of petrol used per week. ($260 per year). So a gym five miles from home could cost you more than a $500 gym membership!
Additionally, you need to factor in wear and tear on your car and any parking fees you may incur.
As well as savings on travel costs, you can also save on purchasing workout clothes. When working out at home, nobody cares how you look or what you are wearing; just stroll in wearing whatever you want.
No judgement or intimidation
Many people feel intimidated when they go to commercial gyms because they feel like everyone is looking at them and judging them, especially as a beginner. Standing beside someone with a fabulous physique, lifting weights much heavier than you can easily wreck self-confidence and motivation.
Intimidation can also lead to injury if you load up more weight than you can safely lift, trying not to look weak or outdo a seasoned gymgoer.
Shyness is also a problem for some who dare not step a foot inside a fitness center or gym. An at-home gym can alleviate any social issues by providing comfortable conditions for effectively working out in solitude.
No sharing equipment
How often have you planned on using a specific piece of equipment at the gym, and someone suddenly jumps onto it moments before you? How infuriating, right? What about when you took over that flat bench only to find it dripping in a pool of smelly sweat. Mmm, no thanks!
One of the greatest advantages of a home gym is that it and all the equipment belong to you. No sharing, having to wait or working in with someone. Best of all, there’s no having to wipe down sweaty benches before or after you use them!

Workout whenever you like
If you’re a shift worker or prefer training at unusual times of the day, the convenience of being able to step straight into your home gym whenever you like wins hands down here.
Best of all, having a home gym negates many of the excuses we tend to use unconsciously to talk ourselves out of workouts; it’s too hot or cold to go outside, I don’t have time to train today, or the gym is not open yet.
No rules
Forgot your towel? No problem, you don’t need one in a home gym. Are you a grunter who loves making noise on the last few reps? Sweet, no issue, there’s no one here to complain.
Perhaps you’re in a hurry and don’t have time to put your weights away or maybe want your music blaring away at 140 decibels. Forget the warnings or frowning from the gym staff when singing aloud with your headphone on your head. Because it’s your home, your gym, and you make all the rules!
Gym equipment is a good investment
There are many reasons why gym equipment is a good investment. For one, it can be purchased relatively cheaply, especially second-hand. In addition, Most gym equipment such as bars, weights, benches, and racks are durable and long-lasting, so you don’t have to worry about breaking down after a few uses. Another advantage of gym equipment is that it generally has a good resale value. So if you decide to sell your gym equipment after a while, you can expect to get most of your money back. Finally, once you purchase gym equipment, it’s yours; you only have to pay for it once. On the other hand, gym membership fees can add up over time, so gym buying your own equipment can save you money in the long run.
Building your home gym up over time instead of all at once is another excellent idea. If you keep adding more equipment over time as the funds become available, you’ll soon build an impressive home gym collection.
The Cons of Building a Home Gym
One of the most significant drawbacks is the potential for boredom. When you work out at a traditional gym, you have the opportunity to mix up your routine and try different machines or classes. But when you work out at home, you are limited to the equipment that you have, which can quickly lead to boredom and a lack of motivation.
Lack of room
Another drawback of home gyms can be a lack of space. If you live in a small apartment or home, finding room for all the equipment you need can be difficult. While there are fantastic examples of home gyms set up on apartment balconies, working out in tiny spaces is not everyone’s cup of tea.

Socializing / making friends
Another disadvantage of home gyms is the socialization factor. You can meet new people and chat while you exercise when you work out at a traditional gym. However, when you work out at home, you’re more likely to be on your own and not interact with others. This can be isolating and make it harder to stay motivated.
Nobody to correct your form
While many enjoy the solitude of working out in a home gym, it is not always ideal, especially for beginners. Performing exercises using the correct form is crucial for optimal development and prevention of injuries. Beginners often learn proper techniques from watching others or receiving advice from floating personal trainers or gym staff.
It is also convenient to have others around to spot you when attempting a new best lift.
In the event of a breakdown of sports equipment, you will need to have it repaired or purchase a replacement. For example, items such as exercise bikes and treadmills have many moving parts and are susceptible to wear and tear. If they break down, it can not only be costly to repair, but the equipment is not available for use which can hinder workout plans.
Working out in a home gym has become increasingly popular, especially after the uncertainty of the last few years.
If you were on the fence about getting a home gym or signing up for a gym membership, hopefully, this article has helped you decide. Of course, both have pros and cons, but at the end of the day, it comes down to what works best for you and your budget. So get sweating!